Peggy Adams presents the 2016 “Peggy Adams Conservation Award” to Emmett I. Davis, Jr. Mr. Davis and his family donated a conservation easement with almost 11,000 acres in 2009. Since then they have place conservation easements on several thousand more acres, some of which has been sold with the easement on it. They now own over 13,000 acres with a conservation easement in the Hard Labor Creek and Cuffeytown Creek watersheds, making it one of the largest private protected areas in the state.

2015 Conservation Easement Donors. From left. Dr. Bryan Green, BGT Timbers LLC; Robin and Jody Patrick, Southern Resources LLC; Dr. Kathleen and Dr. Brant Parramore; and Tim Burke, Davis Land & Timber LP and Eden Hall LP. Not pictured: Gary Alexander, Generostee, Weems Mitigation & Restoration LLC; Kathleen Culp; Tracey Erickson, Long Cane Timber LLC.

Rossie Corwon, president, presiding over meeting.

Wallace Wood, Executive Director, recognizing 2015 conservation easement donors.

Guest speaker Amanda McNulty, host of ETV’s “Making It Grow” encourages attendees to have less lawn area and use more native plants in their yards to benefit wildlife.

The crowd listening to Amanda.